Friday, June 24, 2016

Vote For Loretta A. Ragsdell for Higher Education At-Large NEA Board

Loretta A. Ragsdell
Higher Education  At-Large
NEA Board of Directors

I am Loretta A. Ragsdell and I am a candidate for a NEA at large BOD seat for higher education teachers.I have been an adjunct English Professor for 14 years at the City College of Chicago.  I have held local, state and, regional positions in the Illinois Education Association. I have also served six years as a member at large of the National Council for Higher Education.

I, Loretta A. Ragsdell, am seeking this position so that I can continue my life-long advocacy for accessible and affordable education for everyone.  I believe education is the passport to everyone’s future.  As an educational professional, I want to work within the NEA as an advocate to preserve and expand higher education.